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The president would like to speak to you,’” he said, adding: “‘Don, getting a little hot.’” Trump Jr., who was appearing on the president’s favorite cable morning program to promote his new book, proceeded to re-enact one such conversation with his father - extending his thumb and little finger and holding his hand to his ear to mimic an incoming phone call from the West Wing. “But every once in a while, I get that call like, ‘Hey, you’re getting a little hot on social.’”

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And, you know, backed in a corner, we fight,” he continued. “You know, I realized, it took me 41 years to realize that I was probably a lot more like him than we ever thought. “There were a couple of times,” the younger Trump told the hosts of “Fox & Friends.” revealed Tuesday that his father has warned him on more than one occasion to cool down the incendiary rhetoric on his Twitter feed, with President Donald Trump reportedly cautioning that his son’s social media presence was “getting a little hot.”

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